Learning & Events


The best place to start learning about The Australian Demeter Biodynamic method is by reading some of the foundational texts. Scroll to the bottom of this page for information and resources including signposts to suggested lectures, books and videos.

Once you’ve completed some of the basic reading, the next best step is attending one of our field days.


Each autumn and winter we run a series of field days for growers and farmers interested in adopting the Australian Demeter Biodynamic method. Some events are geared towards commercial farmers (ie those making a living off their land) and others for smaller growers and backyard gardeners. It is important you attend the appropriate field day for your operation – while the core information about the biodynamic method is the same regardless of scale, its application is very different. 

Learn more about what is covered at an introductory field day below.


See our UPCOMING EVENTS for confirmed field days and to book tickets. 

Please check back for more dates and locations as they are confirmed.  


Introductory field days

Introductory field days are held across the country usually during autumn and winter, outside our hosts’ and trainers’ busy growing season. Some are geared towards commercial farmers (ie those making a living off their land) and others for smaller growers and backyard gardeners. It is important you select the appropriate field day for your operation – while the core information about the biodynamic method is the same regardless of scale, its application is very different. 

See our Upcoming Events page to find the next event suitable for you. We have confirmed a few dates and locations for our 2025 field day series and expect to add more events in the coming weeks, so please check back.  

Topics covered include:

  • History and development of biodynamic farming and growing
  • Plant feeding within nature
  • Soil cultivation to improve soil structure
  • Soil humus formation and microbial activity
  • Biodynamic plant expression
  • Using biodynamic preparation 500
  • Prepared 500 (Podolinsky introduced: 500 plus 502-507)
  • Using biodynamic preparation 501
  • Stirring and applying the biodynamic preparations
  • Preparing soil to receive the biodynamic preparations at the most beneficial time
  • Building a biodynamic compost heap and using compost preparations 502-507, and/or
  • Sheet composting and green manures

Activities include:

  • Participatory demonstrations of stirring, spraying preparations, building a compost heap (during gardener/small grower field days) and green manuring
  • Where applicable, farm walks showing Biodynamic results and discussing practical aspects of biodynamic farming
  • Quality Australian Demeter Biodynamic preparations are displayed

Information and resources

A series of books and DVDs covering the Australian Demeter Biodynamic practices can be purchased at biodynamic.com.au
For books – click here.

Suggested books to start with are:

  • Alex Podolinsky Lectures, Volume 1
  • Living Agriculture

For DVDs – click here.

Download resources

2011 Lecture
Written version of an address given to farmers at a field day on a Biodynamic grazing / cropping property near Young, NSW, Australia.
Discusses the (worldwide) problem of loss of water storage due to compaction of soils and how Biodynamics can remedy this situation.

Biodynamics: Agriculture of the Future
Excellent introduction to the Biodynamic method, provides a comprehensive, yet easily readable, explanation of the difference between organic and Biodynamic farming and resulting product quality.

Living Agriculture
Topics include: reclamation of salt affected farming land under Biodynamic management / humus vs organic matter and their qualitatively differing effects on soil and plant feeding / education and training of farmers.

Living Knowledge
Topics include: Classic Natural Science vs Hypothetical Science / correct stirring of 500 reflected in Kepler’s 3 Laws / life implanting action of Chaos / 3 types of viewing – imagination, intuition, inspiration.

IFOAM Conference Address 2005
Addresses the problem of Australian agriculture as world phosphate reserves diminish, providing a truly sustainable alternative to the modern approach of “input” farming – which is occurring even on organic farms.


Several videos are available to view here

Soil Conversion
5 Biodynamic Farms
Compost Making
Cosmo Earthly Ecology
Vortex Vegies
Stirring Machine



Phone: 0428 968 504

Email: info@demeterbiodynamic.com.au

Address: C/- Post Office, Powelltown, Victoria, 3797

AUSTRALIAN DEMETER BIODYNAMIC - in association with the Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Australia (BDAAA) and Biodynamic Growers Australia (BDGA)

Website Design: Nimbus Design