Burrum Biodynamics, Marnoo VIC
Event Date:
August 11, 2024
Event Time:
9:30 AM
Event Location:
Marnoo West
Steve and Tania Walters started converting their farm to Australian Demeter Biodynamics in the year 2000 and today produce a range of fully certified grains including oats, spelt, rye, wheat and lentils that they process in their own on-farm facility.
This field day is aimed at commercial farmers interested in learning about the Australian Demeter Biodynamic method of agriculture for potential application on their property.
Location: Marnoo West, Victoria
Time: 9.30 am start until about 3 pm
Bring: BYO lunch (teas and coffee provided)
For further enquiries: info@demeterbiodynamic.com.au
Topics covered will include:
- History and development of biodynamic farming and growing
- Plant feeding within nature
- Soil cultivation to improve soil structure
- Soil humus formation and microbial activity
- Biodynamic plant expression
- Using biodynamic preparation 500
- Prepared 500 (Podolinsky introduced: 500 plus 502-507)
- Using biodynamic preparation 501
- Stirring and applying the biodynamic preparations
- Preparing soil to receive the biodynamic preparations at the most beneficial time
- Sheet composting and green manures
Activities include:
- Participatory demonstrations of stirring, spraying preparations and green manuring
- Where applicable, farm walks showing Biodynamic results and discussing practical aspects of biodynamic farming
- Quality Australian Demeter Biodynamic preparations are displayed